Welcome to my Neuroplastic and Osteopathy Centre
What is Neuroplastic Pain?
Hi, I'm Coenie, a Neuroplastic Practitioner and Pain Consultant.
It's common for me to be asked by my patients - "so, Coenie, what exactly is wrong with me?" Most of us are conditioned to believe we need a label for our pain. With that label we can then go out and find a suitable treatment plan for the cure.
The problem is, extensive research has proven that in more than 80% of diagnosis, the stated cause of pain is actually incorrect. That means the majority of solutions we seek are wrong too. So, too many of you are already wasting both your time and money.​
Although traditional treatments will definitely bring a certain amount of relief, sadly they will only ever be temporary, regardless which therapist is providing them.
What I’ve learned through my own research and through the teachings of experts in this field is that despite what we’ve understood to be true all these years, pain is very rarely caused by a structural or physical defect, even if that’s evidenced in a scan and confirmed to be degeneration or arthritis.
​The truth is, it’s not the cause of pain. Your pain is all related to your brain and the messages your brain sends your body. It’s what we call Neuroplasticity and I go into more detail on this on the Pain Explained page.
As a Neuroplastic Practitioner and Pain Consultant I have one goal and that's to free you from pain for good. If you're interested to learn more you can read about my Pain Programme on the Your Pain Free Future page​​​
Start now with a free consultation
In the free consultation I'll find out about your problems, how long you've been suffering and how quickly you need treatment. I'll explain how I approach pain, the success I've had with so many people. I'll outline the programme and how I can help you identify and acknowledge the underlying causes of your neuroplastic pain while also developing healthier neural (brain) pathways that allow a pain free, healthy life.
​Book now and start your journey to a pain free life.
Pain Science Paradigm Shift
Let's change how we think about pain, illness, and recovery together. This video was proudly produced by the Association for Treatment of Neuroplastic Symptoms. The ATNS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to advancing awareness, education, and treatment of neuroplastic symptoms.
Carry Out a Self Assessment
Do you have Neuroplastic Pain Symptoms?
Take a couple of minutes to run through our easy to complete questionnaire. Just answer a few questions to help us find out whether you have Neuroplastic Pain Symptoms.
Changing Your Mind: Chronic Pain and The Brain
See how Dr Sarno addresses Neuroplastic Pain Symptoms, and the positive influence he has had in reversing pain. This video is an introduction and explanation to the work I do in my Pain Programme and provides you with an understanding on why this work is so important.
Your Questions Answered

Do nerves give pain symptoms? No, they don’t. They give other symptoms such as pins and needles or numbness but not pain.
What do we mean by Chronic Pain? Chronic pain is described as long-term pain symptoms. It could refer to something like Chronic (ongoing/coming and going) headaches/migraines, irritable bowel syndrome or ongoing structural pain such as back or knee pain.
What is an acute injury? The meaning of acute is extreme or severe and it's sudden in onset. For example a broken leg. There is no such thing as acute pain. A high level of pain does not mean damage or injury.
Do structural problems (for example, the structures in my back, elbow, shoulder, neck etc) give pain symptoms? No, they don’t. Discs or Cartilage cannot produce pain because they have no receptors in them so neither can send any messages to the brain.
Are there different types of Chronic Pain? No and this is because all pain is a symptom, regardless of where in our body we feel it. So, there is no difference in this respect from a headache or a pain in our back.
How long does an acute injury take to heal All injuries heal - the time just depends on the type and severity of injury. For example, a cut on the hand takes 10 - 14 days after which it's fully healed. A broken bone, however, can take 6 - 8 weeks to heal. Normally with a fracture there's a set rehabilitation protocol which needs to be followed for optimal healing.
What about Sciatica? There is a common belief that Sciatica means trapped nerve which then leads to pain down the back of the leg. But, nerves don’t give pain. They give other symptoms such as pins and needles and numbness but not pain. What this means in summary is that the pain you feel is not related to the diagnosis you’ve been given.
Why do I get ongoing pain? Ongoing pain is normally a response to what we have been diagnosed with and the things we have been told we can’t do because we might cause more damage. We then continue to tell ourselves the same negative message about how ‘broken’ we are and those message raises our stress levels (fight or flight). Because our brain wants to protect us it gives us a pain sensation to stop us doing the things we’ve told ourselves are wrong or dangerous.
Is there always pain with Injury? No there isn’t. Injury doesn’t necessarily mean we will have pain sensations. Our pain is entirely dependent upon the response our brain makes to this injury.
Start now with a free consultation
In the free consultation I'll find out about your problems, how long you've been suffering and how quickly you need treatment. I'll explain how I approach pain, the success I've had with so many people. I'll outline the programme and how I can help you identify and acknowledge the underlying causes of your neuroplastic pain while also developing healthier neural (brain) pathways that allow a pain free, healthy life.
​Book now and start your journey to a pain free life.
Discover my other treatments
If you do need immediate pain relief then you should definitely book in for a treatment. As I've said above, I can't promise they'll be the ultimate cure but they will definitely help to relieve your pain and discomfort.
I am a mobile practitioner and so all these treatments are conducted in the comfort of your own home:
Other available treatments
If you do need immediate pain relief then you should definitely book in for a treatment. As I've said above, I can't promise they'll be the ultimate cure but they will definitely help to relieve your pain and discomfort.
I am a mobile practitioner and so all these treatments are conducted in the comfort of your own home